About Me
Sitting here contemplating where to start I realize that I have never actually told my story in any form or another. It’s a bit overwhelming to even know where to begin. So much of my life has contributed to where I find myself in this moment. It is hard to sum it up and narrow down the ultimate message I want to express. I never imagined 9 years ago that my life would take the path that it has. After a traumatic few years which ultimately led to the end of my marriage I recognized the need to tune in to myself. I began to meditate and focus on my healing as I began to contemplate what my future would hold. It was at that point that spirituality walked through the door and completely shifted my perspective. In that first year after my marriage ended, I read over 30 books about all things spiritual. At the same time I began having readings and taking classes with a local Medium who would end up becoming my mentor. I will never forget that first Introduction to Mediumship class that I took. My whole world changed that night. From there I fell into Reiki and all the pieces started to fit. I started to learn more and more about myself, my sensitivities, my abilities and it opened my eyes to understanding some of the struggles I had faced throughout my life. I had found my passion and my purpose and I was ready to dive in. I started down the path of making it a business and began seeing clients, doing group work, and teaching various classes on meditation and other topics. After about a year and a half things started to shift. My work felt heavy and forced. I was struggling mentally, emotionally, and physically and at that point it all shut down. That’s when the real work began. I had no choice but to dive in and face the unhealed parts of myself. It was a force far beyond my own consciousness that was driving me down this path. My greatest asset was to surrender and just show up as best I could for everything that was coming up inside of me. I have spent years in what most people in the spiritual community consider a Dark Night of the Soul. Truthfully as I sit here writing this I can confidently say that I’m not completely out of it. Life is always going to offer us opportunities for deeper awareness and growth. I can say that what I have learned over this period has been profound. This road has been incredibly difficult as I have been balancing my healing work with raising my two young daughters solely on my own. I haven't had much left of myself to give anywhere else. I am proud of how far I've come both as an individual and a mother. My hope is that the work I've done, and continue to do, along with the experiences I have can somehow help someone else with their healing journey. So today and going forward I offer myself. I offer all that I have learned and continue to learn and experience. I share my ideas, my beliefs, what inspires me and acknowledge that truth is subjective. My journey is only mine and will not be a perfect fit for everyone else. My hope is that the more I am in tune with me the more I can be a loving presence for those around me. In sharing my journey I can hopefully give you something that will help you on your own beautifully unique journey.